Friday, July 29, 2011

'67 Coronet

Yes, I found another Mopar and this is a 1967 Dodge Coronet 440...
Dodge division hub caps...

Do all Chrysler products rust like this? I hope not 'cause I own three of them...
The silhouette of this car is great and I think this is the only '67 Coronet I've ever seen...

Did I mention rust earlier? I think I did...

I mean, how can a car rust like this?

Judging by my earlier posts Chrysler isn't the only manufacturer with rust... "issues"...
I really like this car...


Friday, July 22, 2011

Ford Galaxie 500 hardtop.

This is a 1964(?) Ford Galaxie 500 hardtop saloon and it is in rather good shape...
Just a bit of rust and the chrome and aluminum trim is a tad beat from the years but overall this car has stood the test of time...

The ever present black skunge abounds on this automobile...

I assume the center panel is where the fuel filler is? Looks like the O is upside down and the R is about to fall off, minor issues.

Really, not bad. This car is parked away from the fog and it shows, very little rust for it's age. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is rust a color?

What do we have here?
...a four door saloon...
...the dead giveaway...

Cruisin' down the steet in my '64...

I wonder if the person who bought this bought it because of that Easy-E song and at what point was the "project" abandoned because they realized that they had bought a rust bucket?

Don't take my ramblings as hate. Yes I generally hate Chevy products but I would happily drive this particular automobile...

I mean, look at this thing glistening in the morning sun...

...and the copper painted driver's rear wheel is a nice touch. Only one more question...

...What color was this thing when it left the factory in 1964?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Beautiful AMC!

Don't scroll down, you must take time to take in the magnificence! Duly note the (I'm assuming) origional bias ply tires...
I'm not sure but what actually causes paint to leave a vehicle in such a fashion, embarassment?
Yes, it is a Gremlin and even the decal striping has left the vehicle...
This car is all kinds of awesome, like someone still drives this thing on public roads, public roads that you may be on at the same time.
I really wonder what color this thing was when it left the factory...
Perhaps it's time to invest in some air for the tires?
These are the cars I love and they are so hard to find. This thing is a looker from all angles...
I have no more words for this beautiful automobile...
...wish there was an AMC product in my garage...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chevy saloon.

Time for a saloon and this is a 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air "sedan"...
Classic powder(rust?) blue and sweet white wall tires. This thing actually has a pretty clean nose for being over 50 years old...

Just a litte surface rust perhaps?

The greenhouse is very reminicent of the '55-'57 "shoebox" Chevrolets...
This car has a V8(283?) and rust...

You could fit a lot of beer in this trunk...

That is a VAST boot lid...